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  • Chupa Chupa
    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    The 20" is still way over-priced.

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  • fondos de pantalla, wallpapers

  • Night Spring
    Apr 27, 02:00 PM
    IE9 on Win7. Buttons currently working with no purple box.

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  • de pantalla en movimiento.

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 13, 12:22 PM
    The OP was ambiguous ... I read it that the weapons used on 9/11 were still not banned. As opposed to not banned at the time.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

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  • Sdashiki
    Sep 8, 12:51 PM
    It was the french.

    hate the french.


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  • 3N16MA
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    iCal reminds me of something out of Kirby's Epic Yarn.

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  • pantalla con movimiento de

  • UTclassof89
    Jul 21, 12:07 PM
    Umm, that's still less than 1%. That's pretty good. That would be out of 100 million calls. 99 million calls were fine.

    You seem to have missed the "... MORE than iPhone 3gs" part.

    A better antenna should drop FEWER calls (unless there's a flaw)


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  • de amor con movimiento

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 11:42 AM
    Split twice so that's 1600 shares now. $125K - you got him beat ;)
    So you only payed $1600 for them, and now they're worth $125,000. You legend!! Good luck..

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  • Animation Wallpapers GIF

  • mac.attack9
    Jan 15, 01:38 PM
    Overall not too shabby.

    I think the iTunes movie rentals seems like a decent idea and the software update and price drop of Apple TV will definitely help boost sales. As for the iPod touch update....well you can either have hundreds of useful applications for free or pay $20 bucks more for 4 that should have been included in the first place. Ill stick with the jail break. I am a slightly confused about the Macbook Air for a couple of reasons. If it is going to be marketed as a ultra portable laptop to help sales in the business sector where on earth is the 6+ battery life. Also I thought that apple wanted to try and get some of the pie nternationally and consumers looking for a truly upc arent going to buy a 13 inch laptop no matter how thin it is. Those are the people who are going to be willing to pay the big bucks for a laptop not the student or average consumer. I bought a macbook in dec knowing the possibility of a major overhaul to the entire macbook line. I am very happy knowing that if i had the option to buy the notebook again today I would be buyingn the exact same laptop AT THE SAME PRICE..

    Overall Macbook Air
    - sweet design
    - A couple nice new features
    - Decent power (2 gb standard of memory)
    - Expensive especially if you add the SSD
    - Regular macbook is $500 cheaper, around the same battery life, etc

    I think that while this is a good addition to the macbook line it may (and hopefully) is setting up for some sort of 10-11 inch tablet incorporating more multi touch features.


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  • con movimiento.

  • Shannighan
    Jan 15, 03:19 PM
    Three new toys to own (MacBook Air, :apple:tv 2, and Time Capsule) plus an update for my existing toy - iPhone.

    Count me as pleased.

    Now hopefully an MBP refresh will happen next Tuesday.

    whats next tuesday?


    i think theres little to no market for the cinema displays (except for people who are all things apple with alot of money)

    they are way behind in LCD tech (still 700:1 contrast ratio)
    no iSight (no big deal, but expected)
    insanely expencive! $900 for a 23" CD or $550 for a 24" samsung with a higher contrast ratio, more features? etc.

    there should atlease have been a price drop


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  • fondos » Fondos De Escritorio

  • Lycanthrope
    Jan 15, 04:24 PM
    I thought the best was the Mac Pro spec changes, I don't see why they did that last week? I though they were leaving space for some life-changing device, didn't happen.

    I would quite like the NAS Airport though...

    "There's something in the Air" - smells like ******** to me :D


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  • fantásticas con movimiento

  • someguy
    Jan 12, 09:40 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand. I've watched previous keynotes and he never seemed this bad. The charisma he's displayed in the past has been replaced with smugness. He acted like the iPhone was the second coming of christ and we were so lucky that he existed to bring it upon us.

    When really, this is probably the single worst keynote for Mac users that he has ever given. No hardware updates. No 10.5 preview. Not even iLife and iWork '07! Plus, very people I know are going to be interested in spending $600 + $60 a month or more to use this phone while plenty of us would love to spend $300 or $400 or even more on a full-screen video iPod. God, I wish this keynote was all some nightmare and in the real one Apple actually gave us something we wanted.
    This may have already been said, I haven't read this thread because this topic has been done to death IMO, but I sense more arrogance in your single post than in all of Steve's keynotes combined.

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  • saving107
    May 2, 09:48 AM
    Any word on whether there'll be an update for iPhone 3G users? The highest version of iOS they can use currently is 4.2.1, which presumably has the location cache problems too?

    just like the original iPhone that got left behind on iOS 3.1.3, your done and if you want to continue to get the newest updates, upgrade your phone.


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 08:29 PM
    I'm only posting my timer code balamw, you don't want to see the rest and even if you do, I wouldn't show it here. The only problem is the timer the rest works fine. You can check out my App tomorrow morning (Availability Date is 28 of April). Look for "Pastry Chef app"

    How do you count your elapsed ? Again, NSTimer is simply an object inserted into the run loop. It has no conception of elapsed time beyond its own internal interval.

    What methods are being called and by what ? What is the code to those methods ?

    You have posted bit and pieces all over the thread, why not just post a readable, compilable example of everything you have that can help us reproduce or see your actual problem ?

    Alright Knight, I'll show it all. Just please, if you see a problem that it's obvious to you, don't play or make trick questions, you can just explain it and I'll work it out.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 10:35 AM
    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

    What's go good about it?

    It's like dropbox but free for 5GB. :rolleyes:


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  • BRLawyer
    Oct 4, 01:59 PM
    Windows and Linux are running on the same platform, and both have proven SMP capabilities far beyond what Apple is selling.

    Most of the quad and octo systems at IDF were running XP, W2K3, or Vista. None were running OSX.

    Squarely wrong. Even "The Inquirer" has talked about the vastly superior multitasking AND SMP features of OS X Leopard, as compared to what Vista seems to offer. Damn, even today any version of Windows crawls far behind OS X in that (XP Home didn't even have SMP support in the first place).

    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.

    And the lack of any OS X-running "quad" machines is not surprising either, given the usual (and) historical focus of the IDF; besides, it's an easy fallacy to assert that the non-existence of machines "running OS X" in quad configurations at a certain event means a lack of capacity by OS X to do so. This statement has no basis whatsoever.

    wallpapers en movimiento. Movimiento. Este wallpaper
  • Movimiento. Este wallpaper

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 13, 07:15 AM
    I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!

    Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:

    That again? You do realize that 9/11 had very little to do with airport security but everything to do with incompetence on the side of the secret service and negligence on the side of the US government? TSA has not made airtravel any safer than prior to 9/11.


    wallpapers en movimiento. Movimiento de pinzas
  • Movimiento de pinzas

  • Nermal
    Apr 14, 01:39 AM
    New watch. It's not supposed to be pretty; I have a better-looking one for occasions that need it.

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  • paul4339
    Mar 28, 06:51 PM
    makes no difference if it's an Mac Appstore design award or just Apple design award, they'll just choose the winner from the Appstore.

    wallpapers en movimiento. Wallpapers animados para el
  • Wallpapers animados para el

  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:08 PM
    haha this is as lame as a tv station bringing out a half hour of the most "unique" and "fascinating" ads, wow.

    also, maybe if they were some good, funny ads it would be ok, but no. The ads shown in the pic are just "EAT MCRIB" and "MAYBELLINE"...

    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update

    Jan 9, 03:12 PM
    Where is it...:o

    C'mon Apple...put it up on your servers :cool:

    Oct 3, 01:18 PM
    If it takes that long before C2D finds its way into the MBP, I think Apple will be laughed at by a lot of the other manufacturers who have already announced models due before the holiday season.
    They might get laughed at but apple will be the ones laughing when their the first to debut santa rosa with 800mhz fsb and nand flash. Hopefully this is whats going to happen

    Aug 15, 01:17 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    New stock old stock?
    From all the reports I've seen so far, no one at Apple knows for sure what they are selling.
    Here's another report posted at Apple's Monitor forum dated August 10.

    I spoke with Apple today to determine what the deal was with the recently upgraded brightness and contrast specs for the 20" and 23" Cinema Displays. They indicated that the change was actually (quietly?) made back in April and that any monitor recently sold directly by Apple should be one of the newer models.

    Oct 19, 10:06 AM
    Does anyone know their marketshare in terms of computers in use?